
patamon ratings

ranking all my patamon plushies!

ever since i found out that my digimon partner is a patamon, i've been on the lookout for patamon merch to add to my collection! i didn't manage to get very many until recently becoming special-interested in digimon, when i began importing a lot more stuff for my daiken shrine, and picked up a couple patamon along the way.

just a few...

below i will rank my patamon plushes based on the three most important features of patamon design (expressiveness, fluffiness, and potatoness) and give my honest assessment.

mochifuwa patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★★☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

my biggest patamon and definitely one of my absolute favorites. he's a mochi cushion which means he's incredibly squishy and soft! his wings have some kind of structure inside that makes them very flappable. more round than potato, and his eyes are kinda small, but still a perfect pata.

big patamon

expression: ★★★★☆
fluffiness: ★☆☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★★

this was one of the first patamons i managed to find! he's a very big potato with one of the cutest faces of all my patamons, look at them big 'ol eyes!! unfortunately he's not very soft or squishy, which doesn't make him great for cuddles, but a great base for stacking.

i love (horizontal) patamon

expression: ★★★★★
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★★

this is an excellent plush from the "i love patamon" line. he's a great size and nice and soft, with a perfect potato shape. you can tell they were really paying attention to and respecting patamon's design when they made this one.

fluffy patamon

expression: ★★★★☆
fluffiness: ★★★★★
potatoness: ★★★★★

this is another top favorite patamon and definitely the softest and fluffiest one i own! he is covered in fuzzy fur, so much of it that his mouth is often obscured by it. he's so squishy and perfectly potato-like, you really couldn't ask for a better pata.

i love (vertical) patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★☆☆☆☆

this is another plush from the "i love patamon" collection. his head is turned to the side and he's sitting up with his arms sewn tight to his tummy. he's nice and soft like the other plush in this line, but not much of a potato, and has kind of a funny expression, staring right at you.

wonky knockoff patamon

expression: ★☆☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★☆

this was my first patamon, a knockoff from olyfactory that i got at a convention. he is a bit off-model, with a bump on his forehead reminiscent of a beluga whale. he still gets points for being a really nice realistic size and for being the only one of my plushies to have poseable wings!

blushing patamon

expression: ★★★★★
fluffiness: ★★★★★
potatoness: ★★★★☆

this guy was a prize from a japanese UFO catcher that i imported. he's definitely my cutest patamon and has the best expression out of all of them, with blushy cheeks and little paws raised up to squish them. he's also extremely soft and fluffy, and a good potato-esque shape even though he's sitting up!

sleepy patamon

expression: ★★★★☆
fluffiness: ★★★★★
potatoness: ★★★★☆

this patamon was a christmas gift from anatui!! he has an adorable happy sleepy face with closed eyes (which are a little lopsided, but that just adds to his charm). his fur is extremely silky soft! he's also sitting up with his paws sewn to his tummy, and i like hooking my fingers under his arms.

potato patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★★

this little guy is the ultimate potato patamon, the exact size and shape of an actual hearty potato. truly peak patamon performance.

beanbag patamon

expression: ★★☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

this is an american "digi-pals" beanbag patamon. he is supposed to have white highlights in his eyes, but they were rubbed off by his previous owner, giving him a blank and slightly demonic look. he is still a really fun shape and weight with all the beans inside, and i love his floppy, formless little wings.

keychain patamon

expression: ★☆☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★★☆☆☆

no offense to him, but this is probably my ugliest patamon. he's pretty lopsided and off-model with a weirdly skinny head -- less of a potato shape and more of a butternut squash. he's really soft though, and has a keychain on his head for travel.

blindbag patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

this is an american blind bag patamon. he's palm-sized and vaguely potato shape, with pretty nicely-shaped wings. since he's sitting up they don't get in the way as much as a lot of my other patamons' do. i like putting him in a pocket and having his wings stick out and hold him up.

otedama patamon

expression: ★★☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★★☆
potatoness: ★★★★★

this is a japanese otedama patamon. perfect for stacking with other otedamas or on top of a stack of similarly potato-shaped patamon. he's very soft, with short fuzzy fur, and perfectly squishy too. his eyes are a little small for his face, but he's still cute. my tiniest patamon!

vintage patamon

expression: ★★☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★☆☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

this is a vintage japanese patamon plush from around when the show was airing in 2000. it doesn't rank very high on the scales i have set here, but it has its own admirable qualities, like nice, detailed wings and a more realistic sculptured body! it was a birthday gift from anatui!

egg patamon

expression: ★★★★☆
fluffiness: ★☆☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★★

this is the roundest patamon i've ever seen. it is a perfet egg shape that fits in the palm of my hand and has the funniest tiny feet sticking out of the bottom. it has a very pleasant, friendly face with faint blush and a loop for hanging it on my clothes. an immediate fave.

dark patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★★☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

this patamon has the darkest orange fur i've ever seen on a patamon. however, the fur is very soft and fluffy, so it's easy to excuse the miscoloration. the wings only want to point forward, but at least they stand up nicely. it's very small and cute, too!

bath buddy patamon

expression: ★★★★★
fluffiness: ★★☆☆☆
potatoness: ★★★☆☆

this is an AMAZING bath toy patamon made out of waterproof material that my friend kite gave me! his body consists of a foam ball in a mesh net, which allows him to sit up really nicely on his little feets!! i love his silly face and long arms so much!

san-ei boeki patamon

expression: ★★★★☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ★★★★☆

this is a very basic and inoffensive pata, only exceptional in its averageness. it has a good shape aside from its rather bulgy forehead, and has soft fur, a cute expression, and a nice hand-held size. simply a pata!

pancake patamon

expression: ★★☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★★☆
potatoness: ★★★★☆

this patamon is very soft and squishy, but suffers from a really strange body shape. he would be a good potato if he weren't so flat and wide with such chunky legs, making him look like more of a potato pancake. his color is also really strange, much yellower than my other patas! but he's also one of the biggest!

chungus patamon

expression: ★★★☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★★☆
potatoness: ★★☆☆☆

this patamon is HUGE!!! an absolute unit of a lad!!! sent to me by anatui, he is now the biggest and tallest patamon i own! he's super soft and squishable so he gets a high fluffiness rating, but scores lower in expression & potatoness for having a funny peanut shape. still a fantastic addition that was well worth rearranging my whole shrine to include!

not a patamon

expression: ★★☆☆☆
fluffiness: ★★★☆☆
potatoness: ☆☆☆☆☆

this is a knockoff puttimon plushie by olyfactory. i wanted a plush of my patamon partner's baby form so i ordered it online. it's definitely not a potato shape, and its expression is pretty wonky, but it's not fair to judge a puttimon by patamon standards anyway! it's soft and serves its purpose of being a baby angel lump.


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