digimon card game 2020
my collection and decklists
i happened to get special-interested in digimon right around the time the new digimon card game 2020 was about to be released! i bought in right at the beginning with a pre-order booster box and two decks and i've been super into the local and national card game scene ever since! on this page you can see my collection to daiken-related cards as well as some of my old decklists -- i play jogress digimon, so of course you can expect a lot of imperial!
my collection binder
click on the thumbnails below to expand!
teal imperial
my first competitive deck starring BT3 imperialdramon! it was infamous at the locals for its scary security and the lack of hammer sparks.
this was my set 4 deck, based around silphymon! the red greymon combo'd with yellow wargreymon was an absolute menace, and i topped my locals many times with this deck during the format, coming in second, third, and fourth place!
blue blitz imperial
the first and only deck i've ever gotten first place at my favorite locals with. just wanted to try out the blitz omni combo and it worked!
green blitz imperial
easily my favorite deck i've ever played, a green base imperialdramon that could OTK with the right stack! kokuwamon is a beast!
this was my set 6 deck, based around shakkoumon! it was basically a hexeblaumon/azulongmon deck with shakkoumon support! the slower, control-oriented playstyle was a bit difficult for me to adapt to so i didn't main it for long, but it was still fun to try!
classic blue imperial (pre-ban)
the classic collection imperial deck i played before the ice wall ban went into effect... rip
classic blue imperial (miami digifest)
the post-ban version of the above deck, adjusted for the ice wall ban and played at the miami digimon card game fest event. purple mimi was a funny little tech!
aero imperial
my deck for the first ultimate cup, when set 8 was once again delayed. i tried making a stronger deck by using the aero tech to give my imperials security attack +1, and it was really scary whenever i pulled it off!
silphymon jogress
when set 8 dropped, i wanted to make a deck for each of the jogress pairs, and this is what i came up with for silphymon. i tried to make the yellow wargreymon work again, but didn't quite pull it off, and never got to use this in a tournament. at least i gave it a shot!
shakkoumon jogress
okay, up above i said the green imperial was my favorite deck i ever played, and that WAS true... until this deck came along. i swear, i have never had so much fun playing this game than with this deck. the metalgarurumon combo is STUPID when paired with the jogress mechanic. i could bring up a garurumon from the raising area, jogress three times and end my turn with six bodies on the board if i was lucky. absolutely adored this deck and hope to see it make a comeback someday.
imperialdramon jogress
a pretty standard list for imperial jogress, but what can i say -- this is the way imperial was always meant to be played. the jogress mechanic is the best thing that ever happened to this game, imo, and i've had so much fun finding different ways to use it. never figured out how to use that leomon though, lol. but the labra is a lifesaver!
magnamon x
when set 9 dropped i gave this a try, but i didn't use this deck for long, preferring the aggressive playstyle of imperialdramon jogress over the defensive magna x mechanic. still a fun deck!
dark imperialdramon
THIS DECK IS BUSTED. both in that it pops off and that it often fails to launch. it's a TON of fun to play, though, and the satisfaction of pulling off its silly combo is worth all the times it just doesn't see all its pieces.
imperialdramon ace
my current imperialdramon deck, using the new imperialdramon dragon mode ACE card! i ended up going with an "oops! all worms" base so that i'd never be left without an end-of-turn jogress. i've had a lot of success with this version, but i can't wait to see what bt16 will bring!

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